Many of you know that we've been planning this project for awhile now, hoping in fact, to get 'er done (also read: finish the attic to the point that have alternate space for guests and hanging out other than what will soon be the baby's room) before the little baby pops out. Our attic started as a mess of fiberglass squirrel nests loosely surrounding a bunch of knob and tube wiring.
With Ralph's help (you'll sense the theme here, real soon, if you haven't already!), we were able to get some shelves built so that we could store stuff up here through the closet-access in the back bedroom closet.
At this point, things are looking really good...things are moving along more quickly than we'd originally thought, though some aspects of the project take a LOT longer than we orig. expected.
We started with the "stairs"...taking out what used to be our linen closet between the two back bedrooms and replacing it with a relatively temporary ladder-ish "stairwell" (how's that for one hell of a description!?!). The banisters still need to go in, and all the finish work needs to be done, but here's a brief peek at the process...and the relatively finished product...
Haven't quite finished with the finishing, though I started with lots of eager energy!...pregnancy, I admit, has stood in the way a bit...or rather all the things that go along with this stage in life (eating right, exercising, training the dog, doing laundry, going to work, getting enough sleep, etc).
Then, we put the excess cellulose insulation that we'd blown into the attic in and above the joists, into the ceiling...a time intensive process that sounds easier than it is (especially in the "crows nest", which will be a sweet little hide out for the soon-to-be mini-Staton!).
Geoff did a hell of a lot of research on the best methods for environmentally sound, effective insulation, and with lots of help from dedicated individual (aka Ralph), applied his learning over the course of a few weeks. In that first pic, it's pretty obvious how dusty it gets up there!
Once the lower "walls" (ceiling really) were insulated and protected with sheet rock, the sub-floor was ready for action...with lots of Ralph's amazing help, that was just recently finished the other night! SO exciting, for now it's starting to look like a livable space!
This is looking SE, away from Jamie's house, towards the St.John's bridge.
This is looking the other way...NW, towards Jamie's house. That wood "door" at the end is where our huge casement window will live, once all the supplies have been transported upstairs through that temporary "entrance".
Just these few pics do little to represent all the hard work that has gone into this process so far...but it's a little snippet of the project for those that are interested. Thanks for sharing in our process...more pictures to follow as the project continues to move forward!